In a landmark decision (18 OCg 3/22y), the Austrian Supreme Court has established specific requirements for arbitration agreements addressing shareholder disputes concerning defective resolutions. This decision aligns with similar standards set by the German Federal Court of Justice (BGH).
In response to this development, the VIAC Secretariat under the direction of Dr. Nikolaus Pitkowitz, President of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC), has convened a specialised working group comprised of experts from both academia and practice including VIAC Vice President Franz Schwarz, Prof. Christian Koller and Prof. Paul Oberhammer. This group's mandate is to draft an amendment to the Vienna Rules, ensuring they reflect the prerequisites outlined by the Austrian Supreme Court, including the proper involvement of all shareholders in the formation of the arbitral tribunal and throughout the arbitration proceedings.
Dr. Pitkowitz emphasised the importance of this initiative, stating, "Adapting the Vienna Rules in accordance with the Supreme Court's requirements is crucial to uphold the integrity and inclusiveness of arbitration in shareholder disputes concerning defective resolutions."
The working group will also address other significant aspects of the decision, consulting with various stakeholders and experts in arbitration. Once the draft amendment is finalised, it will be presented to the VIAC Board for approval, ensuring that the updated Vienna Rules maintain VIAC's commitment to excellence in arbitration services.
Einen detaillierten Rückblick auf die verschiedenen Aktivitäten von VIAC im vergangenen Jahr sowie interessante statistische Details und einen Ausblick auf 2024 finden Sie im Jahresbericht 2023.
Den kompletten Text des Jahresberichts finden Sie hier.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the launch of VIAC and ARBalance’s new ‘ADR Wellbeing Toolbox’ on #loveyourlawyerday!
Following introductions from Niamh Leinwather, Kabir Duggal and Amanda Lee, our fabulous keynote speaker, Antoinette Moriarty, shared some top tips to help everyone who is keen to enjoy a happier, healthier career in ADR:
Given how rapidly the tech sector is growing, accelerated digital transformation and innovation will continue to impact the ADR landscape in years to come. New product areas, like cryptocurrency, blockchain and AI will result in new types of commercial disputes. Not to mention increased government action to regulate big tech companies, which will likely result in an increasing number of tech-related investor-State disputes. VIAC wants to be fit for the future. It is vital for our growth to gather the expertise and knowledge of thought leaders in the sector to steer the institution in the right direction in order to understand how we can provide the best, cutting edge service.
Die Auslegung von Art. 5aa der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 833/2014 (in der Fassung vom 15. März 2022, vgl. Verordnung (EU) 2022/428 des Rates) und die damit verbundene Frage nach den Auswirkungen auf Schiedsverfahren mit sanktionierten Parteien war in den letzten Monaten nicht abschließend geklärt.
Der Rat der Europäischen Union hat nun klargestellt, dass das Verbot von Art. 5aa Abs. 3 (g) der Verordnung (EU) Nr. 833/2014 nicht für Schiedsverfahren gilt. Mehr Informationen finden Sie in unserem "Joint Statement".