VIAC takes a deep dive into enforcement of awards in Central and Eastern Europe


Join us at VIAC’s event in collaboration with ArbAUT during the 2024 Paris Arbitration Week for a deep dive into enforcement of awards in Central and Eastern Europe. Our distinguished panelists will consider the role arbitral institutions can play in ensuring an enforceable award as well as assessing the unique challenges faced with a foreign award recognized in the CEE region including diverse approaches that the courts may take. What are the grounds for denial of recognition and enforcement – do these countries follow NYC Article V. and how is “public policy” defined from one jurisdiction to another? What happens if the award is challenged at the seat of the arbitration – will the proceedings be stayed and is a security required for this stay?

ArbAUT will invite attendees to a networking lunch after the panel.

Please register on the PAW website before Friday 15 March 2024.