Where the parties wish to submit a dispute to arbitration in accordance with the Vienna Rules, they may conclude an arbitration clause in the following form:

All disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract, including disputes relating to its validity, breach, termination or nullity, shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration (Vienna Rules) of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber by one or three arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules.


Parties may wish to stipulate the following in the arbitration clause:

(1) the number of arbitrators (one or three) (Article 17 Vienna Rules);

(2) the language(s) to be used in the arbitral proceedings (Article 26 Vienna Rules);

(3) the substantive law applicable to the contractual relationship, the substantive law applicable to the arbitration agreement (Article 27 Vienna Rules), and the rules applicable to the proceedings (Article 28 Vienna Rules);

(4) the applicability of the provisions on expedited proceedings (Article 45 Vienna Rules);

(5) the scope of the arbitrators’ confidentiality (Article 16 paragraph 2 Vienna Rules) and its extension regarding parties, representatives and experts.

(6) If the parties wish to conduct Arb-Med-Arb proceedings, the following addition to the model arbitration clause should be included:

Furthermore, the parties agree to jointly consider, after due initiation of the arbitration, to conduct proceedings in accordance with the Mediation Rules of the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Vienna Mediation Rules). Settlements that are generated in such proceedings shall be referred to the arbitral tribunal appointed in the arbitration. The arbitral tribunal may render an award on agreed terms reflecting the content of the settlement (Article 37 paragraph 1 Vienna Rules).

(7) In case of participation of Russian parties, following addition to the model clause is advisable: 

All disputes or claims arising out of or in connection with this contract, including disputes relating to its validity, breach, termination or nullity, shall be submitted to the Vienna International Arbitral Centre (VIAC) of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and shall be finally settled under the Rules of Arbitration (Vienna Rules) of VIAC by one or three arbitrators appointed in accordance with the said Rules.

В случае участия российских сторон рекомендуется следующее дополнение к типовой оговорке: 

Все споры или требования, вытекающие из этого договора или связанные с ним, включая споры о его действительности, нарушении, расторжении или ничтожности, предъявляются в Международный арбитражный институт при Палате экономики Австрии (VIAC) и будут окончательно разрешены согласно арбитражному регламенту (Венским правилам) Международного арбитражного института при Палате экономики Австрии (VIAC) одним или тремя арбитрами, назначенными согласно этим правилам.